• Willkommen - مرحبا بكم في عمان

    Willkommen - مرحبا بكم في عمان

Georg Popp

For more than 30 years the artist and photographer Georg Popp has been working with the Sultanate of Oman and its people in very intense and personal ways. Through his long-time friendship with the Omani Juma Al Maskari -- since their university days -- he has gained intensive insight into the Sultanate of Oman.

The Sultanate of Oman has been the central focus for Georg Popp since 1992, who since then has been producing artistic works, publications and exhibitions pertaining to the sultanate.

In order to give these various activities a common roof, he founded the communications company ARABIA FELIX Synform GmbH in 1999.

Georg Popp has published several articles and books on the Sultanate, including the first German-speaking guide of the country, which is now in its 9th edition ("Oman," by Georg Popp, Edition Temmen), and published in English in 2010 by Odyssey Guides as "Oman: Jewel of the Arabian Gulf."

Since 2001, in collaboration with various Omani ministries, Mr Popp has produced various exhibitions for and about Oman for presentation in over 26 countries worldwide. He has advised journalists, consulted on various film projects, and worked on documentaries himself covering many different topics related to Oman.

Mr Popp is a charter member of the non-profit German-Omani Association; from 2001 to 2009 he was its Cultural Advisor, and since 2009 until end of 2018 he was Secretary-General of this officially recognized, bilateral non-governmental organization.